Running Wilde
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welcome to wilde
Wilde Academy was founded by no other than Vincent Cornelius Wilde, a philosopher at heart and an allegedly psychotic genius by profession. No one really knows where he got the money to start the Academy, but who cares?

Situated at the Western Coast of Australia, the Wildesiders are the best of the best and the worst of the worst. It is here that the hierarchy of society is experienced by the students in Wilde Academy's impeccably liberated but effective educational program. Here, the students could take life by the horns or watch from the sidelines and wish they were the ones on the spotlight (and more or less risk getting kicked in the ass in the process).

No one could deny that Wilde Academy has consistently been producing future leaders, superstar athletes, multimillionaire geniuses, Nobel Prize Winners and other influential people over the past sixty years. But W.A. has had their share of professional couch potatoes, drug dealers, wannabe superstars and nobodies. But hey, first class facilities are hard to come by these days. Parents would do anything to get their children to the very top, but the possibility of dropping to the lowest of the low is very real and very possible.

It's high school, ladies and gents.

Anything could happen.

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by Evan Sinclair Sat May 11, 2013 10:48 am

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Post by Evan Sinclair Sun May 05, 2013 10:14 am

I stood by the gates, feeling the cool morning air hit my skin as the wind picked up. From where I was standing, the gates looked like the entryway to the hell hole I've been submitting myself to for the past couple of years. It was so familiar, I could probably count the steps I'd have to take from here to the main entrance with my eyes closed. Two years worth of ditching classes were a testament to that. "Hey kid." The security guard that was stationed by the gates held up his cap and gave me the usual once over before turning back to his crosswords. Shrugging, I tried not to get pissed off over the fact that he called me a kid. Again. For the past two years. "Welcome to the wonderful world of shitheads," I muttered under my breath as I kicked the gates closed with my boot. The metal made a satisfying clang as it collided together and I felt a masochistic smile creep up to my lips as I started walking towards the main building.

Was it ironic that I was sorting out my enrollment papers when I didn't even want to be in school? Sure it was. I just didn't really have a choice. It was this or military school. I counted my steps mentally, trying to distract myself when my eyes caught movement from my left side. I stop mid-step, knowing I wasn't really alone. "Hey," I said without turning around.

Last edited by Evan Sinclair on Sun May 05, 2013 12:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
Evan Sinclair
Evan Sinclair


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Post by Cassandra Dawson Sun May 05, 2013 10:32 am

Unlike a lot of the kids who were coming here, Cassandra was actually pretty excited to Wilde Academy. Sure, she was basically torn away from everything and everyone she knew, but it was willingly so it didn't really affect her in the least bit. Even though she was willingly coming, even if she wasn't she would be fine. Cassandra was always the type of person who knew how to adjust to her surroundings easily. She was always good at making friends, or meeting people. It was just like a gift. Well, or a curse, because although there were cool people in the world there were also assholes, and even with the assholes, she was extremely nice to them. Or tried to be, although she was a nice person she was also one to get fed up very easily if someone was mean to her at a consistent pace.

Cassandra sort of awkwardly walked through the main entrance to one of the main buildings. She looked around the place, there weren't that many people there which was surprising. But the person that was there noticed her and greeted. "Oh, hey." She said with a smile she wasn't sure if he could see.
Cassandra Dawson
Cassandra Dawson


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Post by Evan Sinclair Sun May 05, 2013 12:28 pm

Great. From the sound of her voice, it was obvious she wasn't the greet-and-run type I thought she'd be. Maybe it was better off if I just kept on walking. I let my eyes flicker to her face and then looked away just as fast. She was no one I knew, so she was probably a new student or someone I just wasn't interested in enough to notice until now. I stuck my hands into the back pocket of my jeans and debated for a couple of seconds internally before I pivoted around to fully face the girl.

"You're new," It was't really a question, nor did I want it to sound like one. Already, I was weighing her out, biding my time to see if she was even worth talking to. The silver chain clasped around my neck clinked when I tipped my head to the side. "It's that or you're forgettable."

Evan Sinclair
Evan Sinclair


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Post by Cassandra Dawson Sun May 05, 2013 8:07 pm

Cassandra wasn't completely sure what to think of this place. Whether to feel safe, or just a little bit creeped out. It sort of had a little bit of a strange vibe to it. No doubt was the place beautiful, and judging from her first encounter with this guy, the people didn't look to bad either. But her first entrance through the gate was sort of creepy. The metal gates weren't exactly a selling point so she wasn't that shocked that it wasn't plopped up front and center on the school's website.And back to the people, well this person to be specific. He seemed to have this weird glow shimmering off of him. Not physically, spiritually. Also, he seemed a little put off by her even though all she really said was hey. She wasn't too sure if it mattered, though, because her success rate with people was about 75% effective, from previous experience.

If he was put off by her, which it seemed he was, this was definitely going to be a long year. For some reason she always just strived to be accepted.If someone didn't like her, she wouldn't stop until they did. It was just the curse that was placed on her personality because no way was she proud of it at all. Her suspicions were neither confirmed nor denied when he spoke again. She swallowed and swiped her hair to the side. Her eyes accidentally wondered over to the papers he had before they traveled back over to him. "Well, I could say the same thing about you."
Cassandra Dawson
Cassandra Dawson


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Post by Evan Sinclair Sun May 05, 2013 8:51 pm

"Which part? The being new or being forgettable?" I flashed her one of my devil may cry smiles, showing just how much I doubted I was forgettable. I knew from experience that people didn't just forget about me. From the way she was looking around every few seconds, I already guessed she wasn't part of the batch of old students I've been stuck with. Because if she was, she would have recognized me right away and most people, the smart ones at least, would have stayed clear and saved themselves the trouble of getting involved with me. Maybe I could play the merciful host and warn her before she got too cozy around me.

"A word of advise though," I mused as I started to walk. "The next time I say hey, ignore me. I tend to get people expelled."

Evan Sinclair
Evan Sinclair


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Post by Cassandra Dawson Sun May 05, 2013 9:16 pm

Cassandra actually thought she was being really cool. Ya know? Playing the I don't give a crap about life game, but she actually realized she sucked at it when instead of thinking of something whitty, she got confused by what he just asked her. "Both." She said, feeling that was a good response. Gosh, you know you suck at comebacks when they're one word and you think this hard about them. As a matter of fact, especially when you thought about it as much as she did. And it was a lot.

Folding her arms, Cassandra listened as she was warned. She sort of chuckled as she ran her fingers through her hair, yes she loved to touch her hair. "Okay, now a word of advise to you - " Cassandra said, starting to get into her 'I'm a strong independent black woman and I don't need no man' voice, which was kind of weird because she wasn't black - well as far as she knew. "The next time a girl says hey back, don't allude to them being forgettable, because we tend to overreact to things. Especially if you catch us on our time of the month." Possibly a little too far, but it had to be said and known that she was, at least trying to be, a bad bitch.
Cassandra Dawson
Cassandra Dawson


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