Running Wilde
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welcome to wilde
Wilde Academy was founded by no other than Vincent Cornelius Wilde, a philosopher at heart and an allegedly psychotic genius by profession. No one really knows where he got the money to start the Academy, but who cares?

Situated at the Western Coast of Australia, the Wildesiders are the best of the best and the worst of the worst. It is here that the hierarchy of society is experienced by the students in Wilde Academy's impeccably liberated but effective educational program. Here, the students could take life by the horns or watch from the sidelines and wish they were the ones on the spotlight (and more or less risk getting kicked in the ass in the process).

No one could deny that Wilde Academy has consistently been producing future leaders, superstar athletes, multimillionaire geniuses, Nobel Prize Winners and other influential people over the past sixty years. But W.A. has had their share of professional couch potatoes, drug dealers, wannabe superstars and nobodies. But hey, first class facilities are hard to come by these days. Parents would do anything to get their children to the very top, but the possibility of dropping to the lowest of the low is very real and very possible.

It's high school, ladies and gents.

Anything could happen.

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by Freya McDermott Fri May 17, 2013 1:59 pm

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by Evan Sinclair Sat May 11, 2013 10:48 am

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by Aaron King Sat May 11, 2013 10:21 am

» So this Jew walks into a bar... ^<Open>^
by Aaron King Sat May 11, 2013 2:28 am

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So staircases aren't meant for this?

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So staircases aren't meant for this? Empty So staircases aren't meant for this?

Post by Nathanial Chace Sun May 05, 2013 10:13 pm

There were moments Nate really questioned why he got such a high off adrenaline. He still had the bruises from his stint with falling from a tree on the grounds earlier in the week. A grin, one that seldom left his face, formed on his face at the reminder of the fall. He'd landed on some freshman who had proceeded to scream in a shrill manner. Good times, good times. Nate shook his head before looking back at the staircase below him, more importantly, the railing. This was going to be awesome, that he knew, and possibly life threatening. All well, he would do this and video tape it all like he'd planned.

Looking down, Nate fiddled with his video camera's settings. He'd gotten it last Christmas from his step-mother, Chrissi, as an apology for being on vacation with his father for Christmas, leaving him here to celebrate. His siblings were all too busy to see him, so he supposed at least Chrissi making the effort was nice. Maybe next time.

He was getting off track! Nate adjusted the settings again and then hit record.

"This is it," he proclaimed boisterously. "The moment we've all been waiting for. Does Devilishly Handsome Nathanial Chace survive the rails of doom today ladies and gents?" He said it in such a way one could practically hear the capitalized adjectives. "Only time will tell! Step One; Try this at home. It's good to getting your folks a heart attack or two. Just don't start it when they're watching. Otherwise they'd stop you." He said this matter-of-factly before he sat on the beginning of the railings, wincing as the rails dug between his legs unpleasantly. This was something he forgot to take in encounter. All well. The show must go on.

"Ready to launch?" he asked no one in particular and wiggled about on the rails in preparation. He nearly fell over as he heard footsteps behind him. He turned curiously to look at the newcomer.
Nathanial Chace
Nathanial Chace


Posts : 5
$ : 23
So staircases aren't meant for this? D_clas10

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So staircases aren't meant for this? Empty Re: So staircases aren't meant for this?

Post by Evan Sinclair Sun May 05, 2013 10:25 pm

Evan was bored. After he dropped off his records at the office, he was out of things to do. And that rarely happened. He was thinking about sneaking into the bar again when he heard someone's voice around the corner. Was he talking to himself? It sounded like he was. It was that or the guy was being ignored. With his curiosity rising, Evan decided to check it out. Maybe he could even have some fun.

The guy's voice got louder as Evan drew nearer and he already had the impression that whoever the guy was, he was loud and annoying. With a low sigh, Evan stepped around the corner and had a few seconds to figure out what he was actually seeing. If Evan was surprised, he didn't show it. "What the fuck," he muttered under his breath, grimacing. "are you doing?" He stalked closer so he was just a couple of feet away.

Evan Sinclair
Evan Sinclair


Posts : 247
$ : 114
So staircases aren't meant for this? D_insu10

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So staircases aren't meant for this? Empty Re: So staircases aren't meant for this?

Post by Nathanial Chace Sun May 05, 2013 10:34 pm

Focusing his video camera on the other boy, Nate considered what to say. He had not quite seen this boy before, probably because Nate was always too busy being the center of attention in all honesty. Maybe this kid was a loner? Nate zoomed the camera on the boys face while it was still recording. "I," he proclaimed with a dramatic pause, "am simply creating evidence of my remarkable talents for my adoring fans to fawn over." He shifted on the railing, wondering if he should slide down it sideways instead. But that would make him look like he was taking the easy way out... Hmmm... The boy was a few feet away form him and Nate wondered if he would come any closer.

He looked back at the kid again and decided to ignore him. He had much more important things to do. Like showcase himself to his camera. He did have followers awaiting his video update. "Now where was I? Oh yes! Let's get ready to rumble!" He didn't offer the boy a chance to join him. No need to share his shining moment after all.

Nate strapped the camera to his arm, glad it had such easy features to it, and settled his hands on the railings in preparation to push off.
Nathanial Chace
Nathanial Chace


Posts : 5
$ : 23
So staircases aren't meant for this? D_clas10

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So staircases aren't meant for this? Empty Re: So staircases aren't meant for this?

Post by Evan Sinclair Sun May 05, 2013 10:49 pm

Evan's grimace deepened as the kid started talking. His voice was even more annoying up close. "Great, another dork," Evan sighed, making it sound like dorks were a bigger problem than global warming ever was. Maybe it was just the way the guy seemed to think he was doing the world a favor by doing stupid stunts or maybe Evan was just in a bad mood, but already he felt like making this kid's life a living hell.

From the looks of it, the guy was trying to kill himself. With a smirk, Evan decided to help him out. With a few quick steps, Evan closed the space between him and the dork. "The name's Evan," he huffed right before pushing the guy over the railing. Chances were, he'd break a couple of bones. Or die. Whatever the outcome was, Evan was sure to get a laugh out of it.

Last edited by Evan Sinclair on Sun May 05, 2013 11:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
Evan Sinclair
Evan Sinclair


Posts : 247
$ : 114
So staircases aren't meant for this? D_insu10

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So staircases aren't meant for this? Empty Re: So staircases aren't meant for this?

Post by Nathanial Chace Sun May 05, 2013 11:07 pm

Nate barely registered that 'Evan' even said his name as introduction before he went tumbling off the railings, his camera slamming against the stairs as he fell. Habits of falling took over and Nate grabbed onto a rail, eyes widening in disbelief. What the fuck man? Who would seriously push him off the rails? Nate looked around and swung his body, wincing as he pulled harshly on a tendon, before throwing a foot on another part of the stairs. A little bit safer, he studied his camera to make sure it was on and then glared at the boy.

"What the fucking hell man?" he snapped. "Why would you even shove someone over the edge to their death?" He was now technically hugging the bars on the rails for dear life, but he ignored the slight loss of dignity in favor of huffing and scrambling to get up. He was soon still clutching the rails, standing on the steps in between each bar. Behind him he could fall at any moment to his death and the thought settled oddly in his stomach.

"Jealous you can't be as amazing as I?" he snorted, turning the glare from earlier into a wicked grin on his face, something that never left his lips for long.
Nathanial Chace
Nathanial Chace


Posts : 5
$ : 23
So staircases aren't meant for this? D_clas10

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So staircases aren't meant for this? Empty Re: So staircases aren't meant for this?

Post by Evan Sinclair Sun May 05, 2013 11:31 pm

Evan watched, his grimace turning into an amused look. Now this was entertainment. It was always funny to him to see people struggle. If it was some sort of superiority complex, then Evan didn't really mind. Chuckling, he took the stairs, taking his time as the guy continued to try and keep himself from falling over. "Why wouldn't I shove someone over the edge to their death?" Evan asked his question with another question, the rebuff giving him some time to take in the sight. "And you're not dead...yet. So be grateful."

Crouching, Evan looked into the camera for a second, watching the red light blink. Now that was going to be a problem. Being the troublemaker that he was, Evan already had that instinctive drive to make sure he got out of every situation without any suspicion. Hell, he's been blamed for lots of things. Evan was just good at leaving no evidence. Even when the teachers started suspecting him, they could bring him down because they had nothing to show.

"I'll take this," Evan yanked the camera from the guy's hand and threw it up into the air before catching it in his other hand. Flipping open the latch that kept the memory card, Evan whistled a random tune as he took it out. "Here, hold on to this for a sec," He tossed the camera back at the dork, not caring if he was able to catch it or not as he placed the memory card on the floor. His foot crushed the chip with a muted crack a second later..

Evan Sinclair
Evan Sinclair


Posts : 247
$ : 114
So staircases aren't meant for this? D_insu10

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So staircases aren't meant for this? Empty Re: So staircases aren't meant for this?

Post by Nathanial Chace Sun May 05, 2013 11:41 pm

Nate's grin nearly slipped when Evan came closer, only for it to completely fall in horror when the camera was snatched out of his hand completely and the memory card removed. "Hey!" he hollered angrily, losing his perfectly built facade for the first time since he'd seen the boy. How dare he!? That was a gift and there were still videos from Christmas break on there!

"Don't you know not to ruin other's property, Dickface?" he hissed, not bothering to grin about this. Sure he didn't see his step-mother often enough to have some sort of bond with her, but he actually liked his camera. He had managed to capture a really great video of sun setting on that! He caught his camera clumsily with one hand, keeping his balance with the other. Seeing that his temper was about to get the best of him, he did the only plausible solution to having his favorite part of the camera removed.

He chucked it at the boys head when the ass's back was turn and slipped onto the railing sideways, pushing himself off to go flying down. His yelps of laughter escaped from his mouth as he did his best to maneuver himself. He landed on the bottom floor after awhile and stumbled off the railing with a wide grin, mind immediately drifting away from the incident.
Nathanial Chace
Nathanial Chace


Posts : 5
$ : 23
So staircases aren't meant for this? D_clas10

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